Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It Works!

This morning, I gave my fifth speech in Toastmasters. I was a little concerned because I didn't feel as prepared or organized as I like to feel.

But I didn't press the organization because I like to speak from my heart more than from a memorized presentation. I decided to surrender and trust the process. And I decided to trust myself. I told myself I am a speaker, the ideas I am presenting are ideas I have thought through. This is significant because while I developed trust in my writing ability long ago, until just a few months ago, I still believed that the neural pathway between my brain and my tongue was difficult terrain, if not impassable.

But I discovered something interesting when I was preparing this speech. I felt that turned-on, energetic feeling I used to get from my job sometimes, and that I often get from writing. I think that energy combined with my passion for the ideas I was expressing may be what touched my listeners. Some told me this was the best speech I had ever given.

This surprised me because, as I said, I didn't feel as organized as usual, and some of the ideas came out in a different order than I had planned. Several people commented about how well organized it was. I suppose that was because the Universe reorganized it as I went along. The ideas we share belong to all of us. We are the instruments expressing the music of an infinite and loving Universe.

Surrender rocks!

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